Live with Zest

Live with Zest

Did you know that zest is one of our inherent traits? It’s a trait that has the potential to change our lives and those of the people around us. If you’re feeling like the pep in your step is more like a dull thud, the good news is regaining your zest is easier than you might think.

Lemons are a cook’s not-so-secret weapon. A shave of lemon zest lifts and enlivens and takes a dish from ‘meh’ to ‘gimme more!’ If a squirt of lemon can transform the most boring of broccoli, imagine what it can do to our performance?

Zest is one of those intangible qualities that’s hard to lock down. It can be seen as your inner spark or inner light. It’s a sense of vitality, vibrance and of lightness. People with zest feel energetic, energised and engaged with the world around them. It’s not necessarily exuberance or abandon but it’s fresh, open and optimistic.

According to positive psychology, it’s one of the 24 character traits that are viewed as key to a joyful, fulfilling life. In the context of work and leadership, research tells us that people who actively cultivate their zest rarely lack motivation, have increased productivity and fewer experiences of workplace stress. People who live with zest have a different view on how to approach challenges and a subsequent increase in resilience and adaptability. They’re also perceived as effective leaders.

On the flipside, leaders who have lost connection with their zest experience less optimism and enthusiasm for their work and for their life in general. The impact of living with low zest can be physical as well as mental. That’s the bad news- the good news is zest is innate and therefore accessible to all of us. Sign me up!

The first step to regaining your zest is an oldie and a goodie- get back to basics! Yes, yes, yes, I know, here goes Juliet talking about setting ourselves up for success yet again. I wish I had something more exciting to share here other than eat good whole foods, drink lots of water, sleep well and move your body. These basics are core to getting the very best out of ourselves- that’s all I can say!

In terms of movement, find ways to boost your endorphins and give you a kick that stops ‘exercise’ being something you put on the to-do list, but something you genuinely look forward to. Some of my leadership and life coaching clients sign up to team sports as a means to reigniting their zest- these are people who’ve done a deep dive into what lit them up as children and explore this again as adults. Those of us who were book worms as kids might like to try other forms of movement- one of my clients who abhors sport to her very core loves nothing more than getting out into nature for trail running.

Mindfulness is a fast-track way to living with zest. We’re more engaged with the world when we’re aware of it, so meditate, journal, stop doom-scrolling and sit down to eat, preferably away from your desk, the TV or your phone. Look up and take note of what’s around you at this very moment.

Of course, the next logical step from mindfulness is gratitude. It’s easier to be enthusiastic when you’re looking at the world around you with a sense of wonder and gratitude. Intentionally seek out the moments of your day that are uplifting and inspiring- and acknowledge them!

We can’t be ‘on’ 24/7 but self-awareness is an ideal tool to regain our zest whenever we feel it waning. My tagline and my core belief is self-knowledge + self-empowerment = a better you. A journaling practice, for example, is a sure-fire way to keep track of what drains your energy and what invigorates it. One of my clients keeps a list of quick cup-fillers beside her desk, knowing that when she’s feeling zapped by circumstances out of her circle of influence (hello, pandemic!) she struggles to make a decision about how to lift her zest. She has simple things listed such as walk the dog, have a coffee in a hidden corner of her workplace/home, ring someone lovely, guzzle water and read something completely non-work related. Without self-awareness, without knowing what ignites her spark, without pre-empting times when she knows she’ll need to not only lean in to her toolkit but have it readily accessible, she’d struggle to lift herself out of that mental blah as she describes it.

Another sure-fire way of regaining or cultivating your zest in the context of leadership is carving out the time to do the work that inspires you- for many of us, it’s not the minutiae but it’s the deep work, the thinking, the conceptualising, the modelling, the imagining. When do you sink deeply into your thoughts? How often is it interrupted? I stumbled upon the concept of Tiger Time- it’s used by teachers to give their students time for focused writing and to get in the zone. In the workplace, it’s sometimes referred to as ‘protected time’ which is where you basically block out your calendar from meetings, close that office door, book out a meeting room or put on some noise cancelling headphones and focus, only to be interrupted if the building is on fire. Protected time is not only a great gift to your own zest- as a leader, when you take the steps to protect your own vitality, productivity and focus you give your people the permission to do the same.

When it comes to my coaching clients, one of my strategies that I encourage them to embrace is setting time to think, as per above, but this is a different focus for our thoughts- less on our work outcomes, but our personal behaviours. I suggest my clients- leadership or life coaching- actually leave their normal workspace and go to a café or somewhere that is away from your usual environment. If possible, choose a space a couple of suburbs away so you’re less likely to be interrupted by well-intentioned friends or colleagues. Monday morning before work is the ideal time as it allows you to set yourself up to win for the week. It gives you time to yourself, uninterrupted to have that deep strategic thinking time, and then planning action steps for your goals. What an incredible way to start the week!

Do you live with zest? Cultivating your zest is one of the easiest- and most rewarding- ways to enhance your performance. If you’d like some help regaining your zest muscle please reach out. I’d love to work with you!