Mastering Emotional Control

Mastering Emotional Control

Emotions are an integral part of our daily lives, shaping our reactions and behaviors in various situations. But have you ever wondered what ignites those intense emotional responses within you? These emotional triggers can be caused by people, places, situations, or even comments. Identifying and understanding your triggers is the first step in gaining better control over your emotions and reactions.

Know Your Triggers

Start by asking yourself when and where you're most likely to lose control of your emotions. Is it at work, at home, or during interactions with specific individuals? Pinpoint the situations, behaviors, or comments that set off your emotional reactions. Is it fear, frustration, anger, or feelings of inadequacy? Remember, it's not always the person but their actions that trigger you.


Create Support Pillars

Once you've identified your triggers, the next step is to create support pillars tailored to your needs. For example, if speaking at a meeting makes you nervous, practice deep breathing or use positive affirmations to boost your confidence. If certain individuals trigger negative emotions, distance yourself if needed or ask more clarifying questions to remove assumptions.


Check Your Attitude

Your attitudes significantly influence our thoughts and emotions, ultimately shaping our behavior. Sustainable behavioral change requires a corresponding shift in attitude. Unconscious negative attitudes often fuel strong negative emotions. To achieve personal growth, it's crucial to assess and change attitudes that hinder your progress. Listen to your self-talk and challenge limiting beliefs, like "This always happens to me" or "I can't do that."


Be Aware of Your Feelings

Sometimes, feelings arise without conscious awareness. If you're feeling irritable or anxious, take a moment to recognize it and name the emotion. This awareness empowers you to choose how to respond. Implement support pillars like post-it notes or a visual reminder to help you remember to acknowledge your emotions.


Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

Our thoughts can reinforce our emotions. Challenge negative thought patterns by asking, "What do I know to be true?" Avoid creating stories based on assumptions. Focus on rewiring your thinking patterns and redirect your thoughts towards more positive perspectives.

Do Something…Take Action

When faced with challenging situations, shift your focus from the problem to a solution. Consider what advice you'd offer a friend in a similar situation and take positive steps to address the issue. Action not only calms your emotions but also moves you closer to a resolution.


Reflect and Grow

After an emotional outburst or regretful reaction, reflect on the situation with curiosity and non-judgment. This is your opportunity to learn and grow, not to ruminate or be hard on yourself. Understand what triggered your emotions and how you can handle similar situations differently in the future.


In conclusion, mastering emotional control is a journey of self-awareness and growth. By identifying your triggers, creating support pillars, and nurturing a positive attitude, you can gain better control over your emotions and become more resilient in handling life's challenges. Remember, it's a process, and self-compassion is essential along the way.


For those seeking to expand their understanding of emotional intelligence and harness their emotions to enhance their life, explore my recently launched personalised Emotional Intelligence Program: "Elevate," providing one-on-one guidance and insights.


Embrace your emotions ……elevate your life

This Emotional Intelligence Program encourages you to embrace and harness your emotions, offering a comprehensive blend of education and coaching. It equips you with the essential foundations of Emotional Intelligence and guides you in applying these skills directly to your life. Starting from self-esteem and empathy, it progresses to enhancing self and social awareness, and enabling better relationship. This program will help you to:

  • Maintain composure in personal and professional situations

  • Balance emotions effectively

  • Chooses responses thoughtfully

  • Cultivate tranquility

  • Nurture robust relationships

  • Communicates confidently

Book a free discovery call to speak directly with Juliet about this program.