An exploration of my unique approach to leadership and life coaching

An exploration of my unique approach to leadership and life coaching


The core of my work as a leadership and life coach is essentially guiding people through a process to enhance their performance, overcome their obstacles and roadblocks and shift to a life where the emphasis is on thriving rather than enduring. Heady stuff, is it not? While it can be said that I work in a relatively crowded marketplace, I have a unique approach to my coaching, a hybrid, if you will, and one that my clients tell me sets me apart from my leadership coaching colleagues.

As a leadership and life coach, I see myself as a guide rather than a dictator; I’m there to help facilitate a change. The client is firmly in the driver’s seat. My responsibility as coach is to provide the tools and the space to make a change. The client’s role is to take responsibility for their participation in the process.

There are a number of critical factors for a successful coaching dynamic. Obviously, the very first one is a desire to change. People know there is a lack, even if they can’t clearly define it. This isn’t unusual in itself-  we’ve all experienced that sense of having too many tabs open in our brains People also need to be ready and willing to clarify their values and have a relatively clear desired end state- or at least be open to take the leap of envisaging it. This means they need to do the work to have an understanding of their aspirations, of what will be different in their aspirational life. Sometimes, it’s a feeling such as less stressed, less overwhelmed, less self-critical, or sometimes it’s more tangible such as reduced working hours or a greater involvement in their family life such as making it to each weekly school assembly, perish the thought! Of course, the logical next step in this is not just awareness, but in bringing those aspirations to fruition through considered, intentional behavioural change.

While coaching is often attached to a desired end state and the actions required to reach this, my holistic focus requires a sense of presence, of the here and now, the micro-actions and micro-moments each and every day that contributes to a bigger picture. It’s about being mindful. There’s so much that’s out of our scope of control and of influence (hello, pandemic!) and so it’s imperative that we work on the elements we can control- that’s our behaviours, our actions and our reactions, all in the context of our personal goals and vision for our lives and our careers.

I love my work! That said, it would be an unfortunate and inauthentic state of affairs if the leadership and life coach helping people live their life by design didn’t actually live by example! I love the diversity of my work and my clients in terms of the industries and sectors they work in, possibly because that diversity mirrors my own career journey, which you can read about here.

My coaching philosophy embraces that diversity in that my services are delivered through a hybrid approach, incorporating different modalities including Time Line Therapy®, NLP and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy tools to help people build emotional resilience, to let go of past events and to help them be the best version of themselves. I help people eliminate stress and overwhelm, let go of self-criticism and self-doubt to grow and succeed. While I use a mix of methodologies, I see each person as an individual and change my approach based on what that person or that team requires.

My approach, while described as left of field and non-traditional, simply gets results. My coaching is an avenue of self-awareness, growth and personal and professional development- fast tracked. It’s a path of accountability. It’s a space to reflect and draw insights into how your general life or  leadership skills could be more effective for you, for your team and for your broader organisation. It provides the tools and means to address your perceived gaps and limitations and transform yourself. Above all of that? It’s powerful, effective, and dare I say it- despite the challenge that comes with self-scrutinisation, it’s joyful! In fact, what can be more joyful than reconnecting with yourself?

Leadership and life coaching is transformational- and my hybrid approach might be exactly what will take your performance to peak. Would you like information about my programs and services? Reach out, and let’s have a quick chat to explore working together.