Eight tips to thrive in Stage Four restrictions

Eight tips to thrive in Stage Four restrictions


Here are some tips to integrate into your daily life that will help you get through this next stage of restrictions:

  1. Keep a routine – get up, get dressed, do your hair and if you love makeup then do that as well!  This will make you feel better and give you motivation to start your day rather than lounge on the couch in your PJ’s every day.

  2. Cook – this is the ideal time to get into the kitchen and practice your MasterChef skills.  Be creative try new foods, fuel your body with healthy whole foods and it will love you for it.

  3. Get fresh air – we may only be allowed to exercise outside in Melbourne for one hour per day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sit outside in your backyard, front yard or veranda during the rest of the day. Fresh air will make you feel better, it will reinvigorate your body, so get out there every day even if you need to rug up.

  4. Stay connected – being in Stage 4 restrictions doesn’t mean we need to disconnect from our loved ones, we just need to be creative with how we communicate with them.  Call friends, use FaceTime, Zoom, House Party to connect and actually ‘see’ each other.  You can even surprise friends and family by sending hand-written letters.

  5. Be Creative – tap into your creative self.  Be playful, have fun, get dirty; in the garden, with paints or clay.  Tapping into our creative selves, feeds your feminine self which is our nurturing self. That’s the one part of you that you want to keep topped up. You can read this blog to find out more. 

  6. Unplug – there is so much fear in the media at the moment, don’t allow that to sink down deep into you. Turn off the news, don’t watch every single news report or read every single news article. Limit yourself to once a day. 
    Put your phone away, turn it on "aeroplane mode" and actually set yourself a time each night that you put your phone away and have periods during each day where you are unplugged.  This would be the perfect time to sit outside and read a book.

  7. Set Goals / Have Purpose – don’t aimlessly wonder around the house trying to figure out what you are going to do each day.  Set yourself a goal.  If you’re not working remotely then now is the time to do all those jobs around the house that always seem to be left to later. Start projects that you keep putting off, join an online course, set fitness goals. The list is endless.

  8. REACH OUT – there is no need to suffer you are NOT alone. This last one is super important.  If you are struggling, call a friend, call a family member.  If you’re having a bad day, some times we just need to change our perspective and having a conversation with someone can help us do that.  Know that you are not alone and if you feel you can't reach out to those closest to you - then reach out to me.